life of an abnormal teenager

my life as I see it

My amazing cousin!!!




























It breaks my heart when I hear someone doesn’t like their cousin because my cousin is my best friend. When someone asks me to hang out and my cousin is free I say I can’t and text my cousin every time. My cousin and I talk about everything under the sun and never get bored. When we were younger we use to go to my grandmas house during the summer there my cousin my younger cousin and I would all hang out on my grandmas porch and play games we came up with like house where my oldest cousin was the dad ,even though she is a girl, and I was a rude doctor teenager and my littles cousin was a sick little boy. My cousins and I would play fairy god mother my youngest cousin was god mother, even though he was a boy, and my cousin and I were spies. We would play potions where we would take old spice bottles and hot water and fill them up and we would find leaves and bugs and all kinds of things and mix them together to see what happened, we were determined to find a cure to cancer sadly we didn’t.  Lastly, we would take our blankets down to our favorite patch of grass down the road and whenever cars drove by we hid. Now my cousin and I are much older but we never lost that bond there is no one in this world who can make me more happy than my cousin.  I hope this inspires you to always keep family close to your heart in good or bad times.

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Hopes and dreams!


I have had a lot happen over the years of my life but one thing that always keeps me going is hope. I can’t even start to explain how important hope is to me. Hope is… Hope is going over memories in my head and wanting to make new ones with new people. Hope is getting to see my nephew big ,strong, and healthy. My cousin and I when we were very little use to pretend we lived in Sydney Australia at the time that was because we loved Finding Nemo but now it is more to me than just pretending at my grandma’s house, it is a hope that I would do anything to pursue. Now I really don’t see the difference of hopes and dreams except my dreams change every day and my hopes have always been the same. I had a dream when I was very little to have the most money in the world. When I got a little older my dream was that everyone in my family could live forever. Now my newest dream even though I am young is to go to San Fransisco University become a writer and write a book. I have always wanted to write a book but I always start, get to page 100 or so, then never find a conclusion and delete it I have made three books that end that way. Well I am going to wrap this up by saying that I hope that your dreams will come true.

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